Connecticut Clergy Abuse Lawsuits
Survivors have filed multiple priest abuse lawsuits against the Roman Catholic dioceses in Connecticut. Many of these lawsuits accuse the dioceses of negligence for their role in concealing or perpetuating abuse by clergy members. As a result of legal action some child sex abuse survivors have regained control and found justice. In some cases, these lawsuits also resulted in settlements totaling millions of dollars.
Survivors have also filed lawsuits against religious orders that operate in the state.
New England Religious Order Faces Lawsuits
In April 2021, five men and one woman filed a lawsuit against the Legion of Christ, a Roman Catholic order based In Connecticut. The lawsuit alleged multiple instances of child sex abuse, throughout the 1990s. According to the allegations, the abuse occurred at schools run by the Legion of Christ in New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
This was not the first lawsuit filed against the Legion of Christ. The order’s founder, Marcial Maciel, was accused of directly and indirectly sexually abusing 111 children. The religious order later released a report identifying 27 order priests facing credible child sex abuse allegations. From 1941 to 2020, approximately 170 minors were sexually abused by clergy members in the order.
Clergy Abuse Settlements In Connecticut
The three Catholic dioceses of Connecticut have each paid significant settlements to survivors of clergy abuse. The majority of the claims settled by the dioceses involve abuse cases that occurred decades ago.
Hartford Archdiocese Pays $50.6 Million In Settlements
According to the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Financial Accountability Report, the Archdiocese paid $50.6 million to victims of priest abuse. This number includes all settlements paid between 1953 and 2019.
Archdiocese Of Hartford Settlement Statistics
- The payout amount settled 142 child sex abuse allegations.
- The average settlement payment was $356,338.
- The individual settlement payouts ranged from $3,000 to $1.6 million.
In 2021, the archdiocese paid an undisclosed six-figure settlement to another survivor of clergy abuse. The settlement compensated a victim of the former Catholic priest Kenneth Bonadies.
Bridgeport Diocese Pays $56.6 Million In Settlements
In 2018, the Diocese of Bridgeport released a Financial Accountability Report. According to the report, the diocese paid $52.5 million to victims of priest abuse between 1953 and 2018. That amount reflected 156 abuse settlements. The average settlement amount was $337,000.
However, in December 2019, the diocese released an update to the initial report. Between November 1, 2018, and December 31, 2019, the Diocese of Bridgeport paid $4,492,000 in settlements. The settlement amount covered 10 additional claims of abuse.
2019 | Norwich Diocese Pays $7.6 Million Settlement
In 2019, the Bishop Michael R. Cote of the Diocese of Norwich, wrote a letter to his parishioners. In the letter he disclosed settlement details paid by the diocese to survivors of priest abuse. As of February 2019, the Diocese of Norwich settled nine cases of child sex abuse and paid a total of $7,681,646.
Connecticut Diocese Bankruptcy
On July 15, 2021, the Diocese of Norwich filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is used to protect businesses that are struggling financially. The process evaluates and reorganizes a business’ assets. In doing so, a business can pay off debts while maintaining enough capital to continue function properly.
The Diocese of Norwich is one of nearly 30 Catholic dioceses to file for bankruptcy in the United States. The diocese filed for bankruptcy to handle a growing number of abuse claims.
Many of the cases against the diocese involve the former Academy at Mount Saint John. The academy was a residential treatment center in Deep River, Connecticut. It catered to troubled youth and was run by the Diocese of Norwich. Roughly 60 former students have filed abuse lawsuits against the diocese and a former diocesan bishop.
Child Sex Abuse Statutes Of Limitations In Connecticut
In June 2019, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed Senate Bill 3 (SB3) into law. The new law includes several important provisions for survivors of child sexual abuse:
- SB3 extends the legal deadline to file civil claims of child sexual abuse.
- SB3 eliminates the legal deadline for criminal sexual offenses against a minor under the age of 16.
- SB3 extends the legal deadline for adult victims to press criminal charges of sexual assault.
- SB3 establishes a nine-member task force to evaluate the state’s current statutes.
A statute of limitations (SOL) sets a legal deadline. SOLs vary based on the jurisdiction, the type of injury and the intended legal action (i.e., criminal charges versus a civil claim).
Civil Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In Connecticut
In Connecticut, there is no civil statute of limitations in cases where the abuser is convicted of first-degree sexual or aggravated assault.
For all other cases covered by SB3, victims of sexual abuse who were under the age of 21 at the time of the abuse have until their 51st birthday to file a civil claim against their abuser. SB3 extended the civil statute deadline from 48 years of age to 51 years of age.
You May Have Legal Rights
Speak With Our Lawyers About Connecticut’s Statutes Today
Criminal Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In Connecticut
In Connecticut, there is no criminal statute of limitations in cases of “sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or sexual assault” if the victim was under 16 at the time of the incident. This is true for felonies and misdemeanors.
Victims between the ages of 18 and 20 may press criminal charges until they reach 51 years of age. These statutes were enacted with the passing of SB3.
Find more information about the criminal statutes surrounding sexual offenses in the state of Connecticut here.
List Of Accused Priests In Connecticut
The following is a list of priests accused of sexual abuse of a minor in Connecticut. This list may also include other members of Catholic religious orders such as nuns or brothers.
This list does not contain the names of church administrative staff, volunteers or congregation members accused of abuse. However, you may still be able to take legal action. An experienced clergy abuse lawyer can explain your options.
If you or a loved one is a survivor of Connecticut priest abuse, we are here to help. Our legal team can help you understand your legal rights and options.
Survivors May Be Eligible For Compensation
Learn About Filing a Lawsuit in Connecticut
There Are 50 Accused Clergy Members From The Archdiocese Of Hartford, CT:
- Altermatt, Gregory M.
- Buckley, Joseph F.
- Bzdyra, Stephen H.
- Clarkin, Herbert
- Crowley, Stephen
- Cusano, Linda
- Doyle, Robert Walter
- Ferguson, Ivan
- Foley, Stephen C.
- Glynn, Thomas
- Gotta, Paul
- Graham, John
- Grant, Robert J.
- Hussey, Philip
- Hyland, Edward
- Izquierdo, William
- Kramek, Roman
- Lacy, Joseph
- Ladamus, Robert G.
- Maguire, Felix H.
- Manspeaker, Terry
- McGann, Richard P.
- McSheffery, Daniel C.
- Miller, Michael
- Mitchell, Peter G.
- Moran, Edward M.
- Muha, Edward J.
- Murasso, Jeremiah
- Nash, Howard
- O'Connor, John T.
- Paturzo, Louis S.
- Paul, Raymond
- Pelkington, Robert P. (Leo)
- Pryor, John
- Przybylo, William P.
- Raffaeta, George
- Reardon, Edward J.
- Renkiewicz, Adolph
- Rivera, Jose
- Rozint, Joseph T.
- Rudy, John W.
- Sawyer, Thomas
- Shea, Robert E.
- Shiner, Kenneth H.
- Taylor, Michael Benedict
- Tissera aka Warnakulasuriya, Edward
- Vasquez, Enrique
- Vichas, Walter A.
- Werpechowski, Felix
- Zizka, Peter J.
There Are 51 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Bridgeport, CT:
- Ahearn, Thomas Kieran
- Albeke (Albecke), Henry A.
- Alberran, Jose Daniel
- Banaszek (Bonaszek), Stanley F.
- Bietighofer, Alfred J.
- Bonzszek, Stanley
- Brett, Laurence F. X.
- Carr, Charles T.
- Carrier, Paul
- Castaldo, John J.
- Cleary, Vincent P.
- Coleman, Walter Phillip
- DeGraff, Jean Marie
- DeLuca, Stephen J.
- DeShan, Joseph Michael
- Donovan, William D.
- Draper, John
- Federici, Martin J.
- Fletcher, William J.
- Gay, James
- Genuario, William A.
- Gildea, James J.
- Gleeson, Stephen J.
- Gorecki/Gorecky, Joseph
- Grady, Richard J.
- Gray, Sherman W.
- Hitchcock, Martin Bryan
- Jensen, Larry
- Koziol, Stanley N.
- Laurello, Bartholomew
- Lima, Jose Afonso
- Malloy, Joseph J.
- McCormick, James
- McGoldrick, Albert
- McKenna, Francis D.
- Montoya, Leonardo
- Moore, Joseph P.
- Morrissey, Robert P.
- Murphy, Joseph N.
- O'Connor, Gavin
- Pcolka, Raymond
- Power, Edmund P.
- Pratt, James F.X.
- Rarus, Boleslaus/Bill
- Ryan, Martin P.
- Smith, Gregory M.
- Spodnick, Paul
- Stronkowski, John J.
- Stubbs, Charles W.
- Veich, Vincent J.
- Wissel, Frank C.
There Are 37 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Norwich, CT:
- Alford, Donald Paschal
- Barnes, Robert W.
- Bissonette (Bissonnette), Bernard W.
- Buongirno, Richard T.
- Busca, Salvatore L.
- Carey, Dennis G.
- Caron, Anthony R.
- Comtois, Roger M.
- Curry, James
- DeMatteis, Stephen
- Doyle, Thomas J.
- Frigault, Edward Francis
- Galipeau, Denis
- Gromala, Roman S.
- Hebert, Jr., Paul L.
- Jean, Raymond J.
- Jette, Donat M.
- Johnson, Stephan Leslie
- Kozon, John A.
- Liberty, James L.
- Many, Charles G.
- Marino, Vincent
- McGlade, K. Paul
- McGrath, Edward P.
- Murphy, Joseph P.
- Nash, John C.
- Orteneau, Eugene F.
- Ouimet, J. Lawrence
- Owens, Joseph
- Paschal, Thomas
- Petraitis, Donald
- Pinard, Paul A.
- Primavera, Bruno
- Ramsay, John B.
- Shea, Thomas W.
- Solega, Eugene Alphonse
- Sullivan, Patrick J.
If you are unable to find the clergy member you are looking for on our Connecticut priest abuse list, you can use our nationwide, searchable database of accused clergy members. Many priests moved among dioceses and parishes, so the clergy member you are looking for may be listed under a different state or diocese.
If the abusive clergy member you are looking for is not in our database, it does not prevent you from filing a lawsuit. Our database expands as new information comes to light.
Speak with our legal team today to learn more about your legal options.
History Of Clergy Abuse In Connecticut
Many clergy abuse allegations in the Connecticut dioceses involve abusive priests and several duplicitous church officials who covered up cases of abuse. An investigation into the Diocese of Bridgeport looked deeper into this issue.
In 2018, Bishop Frank Caggiano, bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, commissioned an investigation. Caggiano hired a law firm to conduct an investigation into priest abuse of minors within the diocese.
The investigation found that during the history of the diocese, sexual abuse crimes fell into two categories:
- Abusive clergy members who committed sexual assault and related offenses against minors.
- Several bishops who failed to report the abuse to local law enforcement. Since 1971, clergy members in Connecticut have been mandated reporters by law. However, between 1971 and 1990, no one with authority in the diocese reported a case of abuse to law enforcement.
Survivors were not only victims of abusive priests in Connecticut. They were also victims of unlawful cover-ups arranged by several high-ranking church officials in the diocese.
The investigation’s results detailed systemic abuse in the diocese dating back to 1953. For some survivors of abuse, this investigation was a good first step in making amends. However, many survivors are turning to the legal system to seek justice.
Unfortunately, depending on the age of the victim, not all survivors have the same legal opportunities. If survivors of child sex abuse are over 51 years of age, they are time-barred from filing a civil lawsuit against their abuser in the state of Connecticut. This age cut-off is determined by the state’s statute of limitations surrounding child sexual abuse. A clergy abuse lawyer can help determine if a case is still viable based on local statutes.
Connecticut Priest Abuse Victim Resources
There are many helpful resources for survivors of sexual abuse. The table below lists the rape crisis centers that make up the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence. These resources are organized by county.
Sexual Assault Resources In Connecticut By County
County Facility Name Phone Number(s)
Fairfield The Rowan Center
(serving parts of Lower Fairfield County)
Hotline: 203-329-2929
Office: 203-348-9346
Fairfield The Center for Empowerment and Education
(serving parts of Northern Fairfield and Southern Litchfield Counties)Office: 203-731-5200
Fairfield Rape Crisis Center of Milford (serving the town of Shelton in Fairfield County) Hotline: 203-878-1212
Office: 203-874-8712
Fairfield The Center for Family Justice
(serving parts of Fairfield County)Hotline: 203-333-2233
Office: 203-334-6154
Hartford Susan B. Anthony Project
(serving the town of Hartland in Hartford County)Hotline: 860-482-7133
Office: 860-489-3798
Hartford Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS)
YWCA New Britain Hotline: 1-888-999-5545
Litchfield Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
(serving parts of Litchfield and New Haven Counties)Hotline: 203-753-3613
Office: 203-575-0388
Litchfield The Center for Empowerment and Education
(serving parts of Northern Fairfield and Southern Litchfield Counties)Office: 203-731-5200
Litchfield Susan B. Anthony Project
(serving parts of Litchfield County)Hotline: 860-482-7133
Office: 860-489-3798
Litchfield Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS)
YWCA New Britain
(serving the town of Plymouth in Litchfield County)Hotline: 1-888-999-5545
Middlesex Women and Families Center Office: 203-235-9297
New Haven Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
(serving parts of Litchfield and New Haven Counties)Hotline: 203-753-3613
Office: 203-575-0388
New Haven Rape Crisis Center of Milford
(serving parts of New Haven County)Hotline: 203-878-1212
Office: 203-874-8712
New London Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut, Inc. Hotline: 860-456-2789
Office: 860-442-0604 (New London)
Office: 860-456-3595 (Willimantic)
Tolland Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut, Inc.
(serving parts of Tolland County)Hotline: 860-456-2789
Office: 860-442-0604 (New London)
Office: 860-456-3595 (Willimantic)
Tolland Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS)
YWCA New Britain
(serving parts of Tolland County)Hotline: 1-888-999-5545
Windham Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut, Inc. Hotline: 860-456-2789
Office: 860-442-0604 (New London)
Office: 860-456-3595 (Willimantic)
Source: Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Connecticut Priest Abuse FAQs
What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Priest Sexual Abuse In Connecticut?
In Connecticut, sexual abuse survivors who were under the age of 21 at the time of the abuse have until their 51st birthday to file a civil claim.
Additionally, there is no civil statute of limitations for cases where the abuser is convicted of first-degree sexual or aggravated assault.
Learn more about child sexual abuse statutes in Connecticut here >
How Do I Report Sexual Abuse By A Priest In Connecticut?

If you or a suspected victim is in danger, call 911 immediately.
Contact your local law enforcement agency to make a report if any of the following apply to you:
- You are the victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault.
- You know someone is a victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault.
- You have reason to suspect that someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault.
Depending on the circumstances, you should also consider seeking prompt medical care.
If you suspect a child is being sexually abused, call the Connecticut Department of Children and Families at 1-800-842-2288. You can also report the abuse to your local law enforcement agency.
Report Abuse To The Hartford Archdiocese
Kathleen D. Nowosadko | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 860-541-6475
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Bridgeport Diocese
Erin Neil | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 203-416-1406 or 203-650-3265
Online: Incident Report Form -
Report Abuse To The Norwich Diocese
The Diocesan Reporting Line: 1-800-624-7407
Need Support?
Free, Confidential Case Evaluation.
If you or a loved one have suffered from the physical, mental and emotional effects of institutional sex abuse, you’re entitled to legal representation and possible financial compensation.
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Meneo Group managing partner: Ron Meneo
Ron Meneo is the managing partner of The Meneo Law Group. With more than 40 years of experience, he represents clients across the country on a variety of complex legal matters, including personal injury due to institutional sexual abuse, unsafe pharmaceutical drugs and other practice areas. He is a recipient of Martindale-Hubbell’s prestigious AV® Preeminent Rating. He has also served as an editor and contributor for several legal journals.
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An Act Combatting Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment. SB3, (Connecticut 2019).
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Archdiocese of Hartford. (2019, January). Financial Accountability Report Regarding Clergy Sex Abuse. [PDF].
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Archdiocese of Hartford. (2019, September). How to Report an Incident of Sexual Abuse to the Archdiocese of Hartford [PDF].
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Archdiocese of Hartford. (2019). Information Regarding Clerical Sexual Abuse of Minors. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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ChildUSA. (2020, March 6). 2019 SOL Summary.
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ChildUSA. (N.D.) Connecticut Child Sexual Abuse SOLs.
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Collins, D. (2021, April 26). Lawsuits make new sex abuse claims against Legion of Christ. The Associated Press.
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Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence. (N.D.) Who We Are. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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Connecticut Department of Children and Families. (N.D.) Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
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Connecticut State Department of Public Health. (N.D.) Sexual Violence Prevention Program. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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Connecticut Senate Democrats. (2020, January 7). Sen. Flexer Leads Task Force in Unanimous Proposal to Retroactively Eliminate CT’s Statute of Limitations in Civil Sex Assault Cases [Press Release].
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Diocese of Bridgeport. (N.D.) The Diocese Of Bridgeport Incident Report Of An Allegation Of Abuse Or Misconduct. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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Diocese of Bridgeport. (2018, October 30). Financial Accountability Report: Sexual Abuse Settlements and Support for Priests on Administrative Leave or Laicized. [PDF].
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Diocese of Bridgeport. (2019, October). A Report on the Investigation Into the History of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport and the Diocese’s Response to that Abuse, 1953 to the Present [PDF].
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Diocese of Bridgeport. (2019, December 31). Financial Accountability Report: Sexual Abuse Settlements and Support for Priests on Administrative Leave or Laicized. [PDF].
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Diocese of Norwich. (2019, February 10). Diocese Releases List of Clergy with Allegations of Substance of Sexual Abuse of a Minor. [Press Release]. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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Diocese of Norwich. (N.D.) Report Abuse.
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Graziano, F. (2019, February 11). Norwich Diocese Is ‘Grievously Sorry,’ Reveals Names Of Abusers. Connecticut Public Radio.
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Haigh, S. (2021, July 15). Connecticut diocese files for bankruptcy amid abuse claims. The Associated Press.
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Lyons, K. (2020, January 23). CT considers extending time to file civil sexual assault cases. Connecticut Post.
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Melendez, P. (2018, September 11). The 10 States Actually Investigating Clergy Sexual Abuse After Pennsylvania’s Horrifying Report. Daily Beast.
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RAINN. (2020, March). Criminal Statutes of Limitations Connecticut.
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Stuart, C. (2020, February 21). CT keeping statute of limitations for sex assaults ‘devastating’ for survivors. Connecticut Post.
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Susanin, R., Lank, O. (2019, July 18). Exclusive: Local church abuse victim protesting against Diocese of Norwich. Channel 3 Eyewitness News.
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Tepfer, D. (2019, March 25). 10 priests added to Bridgeport diocese’s ‘credibly accused’ list. Connecticut Post.
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Wojtas, J. (2019, June 18). Lamont signs bill creating panel to study civil statute of limitations in sex-assault cases. The Day.
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(2021, May 5). Lawyer: Hartford Archdiocese settles claims against priest. The Associated Press.